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Re: Oracle Report Generator - SPAMMERS needed

From: Howard J. Rogers <>
Date: Sun, 02 May 2004 13:56:48 +1000
Message-ID: <40947182$0$442$>

Daniel Morgan wrote:

> Alex Molochnikov wrote:

>> Hello everyone,
>> We are looking for beta-testers for our new product - Scribe Report
>> Generator. At the moment, Scribe supports 5 relational databases, 
>> including
>> MS SQL Server 2000, Sybase and Oracle.
>> Alex Molochnikov
>> SPAM Corporation

> Your posting to c.d.o.marketplace was appropriate. Your postings
> to these three usenet groups off-topic spam.

Well, so you say... but personally, I can't be monitoring 4 newsgroups. This one is quite enough! And I rather appreciated hearing here about something which may or may not be useful to my clients, and with what seems to me to be a totally upfront and fair offer of a freebie licence for beta testers. Call me gullible, if you like. Of course, one wonders about the Corporation's *name*, and I hope it's not what it sounds like (I smell fake email addresses being invented, just to be on the safe side). But that aside...

It is also clearly Oracle-related, at least in part, and thus falls (as far as I am concerned) into the same category as me including in my signature (whenever I can remember to use one) or Jonathan letting us know about his next seminar dates.

He's not offering a job, or charging us for the privilege of being beta testers, and I don't therefore think this falls under the category of "marketing", where .marketplace would indeed be the appropriate venue.

Personally, I feel it is not particularly helpful to jump on people offering Oracle information/applications/tools/information but where no cash is changing hands, which you do a lot. Such posts are a lot less of an inconvenience than, oh I dunno... say, "please read the documentation" ones.

Regardless of that, in any case, this isn't a moderated group, USENET is, er, "vibrant" at the best of times, and we are all quite capable of ignoring spam when we see it. I don't think we really need a policeman doing the traffic control for us, actually.

> Please pay attention to usenet rules and stop spamming. Just because
> you can spell the name of a usenet group does not mean posting to it
> is appropriate.
> Thank you.
Received on Sat May 01 2004 - 22:56:48 CDT

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