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Re: ORA-01536: space quota exceeded for tablespace

From: D <>
Date: 10 May 2004 19:15:07 -0700
Message-ID: <>

ha, hmmm... where do I start. Did I say I was a US government contractor? yuk yuk yuk. The reality is Daniel that I have the interest to solve the problem rather than put it on the back burner. You caught me though, I didn't explain jack.

I solved the problem... clients were using Access as a front end ad hoc qbe to Oracle 8.1.7 and the access app had some hidden insert statement that didn't identify column names and when I added a column it gave me false errors.

I removed the column, reset all the views and like magic the quota error went away.

strange but true. I am rebuilding their site with a web front end, thanks.

but in reality you DO understand that a DBA who gets paid under a certain amount of money isn't necessarily a good dba, right? It's all what the clients will bear and if the clients have an upper limit of $40 per hour, then who applies for these positions?


Daniel Morgan <> wrote in message news:<1083972441.121273_at_yasure>...
> D wrote:
> > I am getting the space quota exceeded error, ORA-01536, however I'm
> > getting it incorrectly. I never used oracle quotas for any user. To
> > humor oracle, I set every user to unlimited tablespace and that had no
> > effect on the database. All users are affected by this, including the
> > schema owner. What I have is one schema owner and a dozen users who
> > fall under two roles. I want to set all the rights at the role level
> > if possible.
> >
> > I fixed this problem last year but can't figure out what I did. I
> > remember I found out that we received this message in error, possibly
> > related to schema owners...
> >
> > This problem occurs when I try to enable some constraints or insert
> > data.
> >
> > I am not a DBA, I am a developer who works with DBAs.
> >
> > Don
> Oracle version?
> Oracle edition?
> Hardware?
> Operating system?
> How much disk space is left unused?
> What are the DBAs doing while a developer is doing their job for them?
> Or at least attempting to do so.
> Personally I'd fire the DBAs just for having given you the privilege
> to be doing this ... and that's not even beginning to get to the
> question of why they aren't doing it themselves. Throw it back at them
> and get back to development.
Received on Mon May 10 2004 - 21:15:07 CDT

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