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Re: Transportable Tablespace Backup Process.

From: Louis Frolio <>
Date: 11 May 2004 18:54:18 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Holger, in your self serving response you could have had the decency to at least obviate the parameter I missed.

Let's drop it, some of you folks in this group are so goddamn arrogant it makes me nuts. "respect for data"? Are you for real?


Holger Baer <> wrote in message news:<c7qp2q$f22$1_at_news.BelWue.DE>...
> >
> > If you think that my question was not "specific" then you clearly do
> > not understand what it is I was asking and in my opinion you have no
> > business replying to it in the first place. It is my understanding
> > that this forum is for purpose of sharing information, experience, and
> > specific knowledge. Further, my question is not mainstream and does
> > not warrant the ever tired "RTFM" which is so prevalent in these
> > groups. The question I asked is purely a "one-off" question that one
> > cannot glean directly from the documentation, I challenge you to prove
> > me wrong otherwise please only respond to questions to which you know
> > the answer.
> >
> > L
> Louis,
> Daniel knows very well what he's talking about, and sadly enough many
> people drop by with a "one-off" question without reading the documentation
> first.
> Well, I did what Daniel suggested, i.e. I checked the documentation.
> Just in case you didn't know, the relevant document is titled Utilities.
> And in the parameters section of imp there is at least one parameter that
> you didn't try or did not document in your post but from the description
> is exactly what you need, which makes me think that in deed you didn't
> read the documentation. So what you do is not sharing specific knowledge
> but demonstrate pure laziness.
> You know, people normally put data into a database because they find that
> data valuable. So it should be treated with respect by everyone. If you
> for what ever reason you think you cannot test what you describe (and given
> that oracle provides the database software for free to download there is
> no justification) you don't show respect for your data.
> This is a Very Bad Thing (TM).
> And as far as I'm concerned, this thread is over.
> Regards,
> Holger
Received on Tue May 11 2004 - 20:54:18 CDT

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