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Re: manual creation

From: Howard J. Rogers <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 12:16:53 +1000
Message-ID: <40a42c08$0$21596$>

d.j. wrote:

> Sorry about that, the only part that I did not understand is the delete
> portion what are you deleting...
> <snip>
> C:\newdb\admin>cd ..
> C:\newdb>del *.*
> C:\newdb\*.*, Are you sure (Y/N)? y
> C:\newdb> exit
> <snip>

Because the command is 'create something' not 'create something and if there's something of that name already there, please feel free to delete it and overwrite it'. Therefore, my second create database statement would have failed if I'd merely started it without first having cleared out the results of the first create database's failed attempt.

You, of course, like every other 'create database' command I've seen included in books, bestrew your create database commands with 'reuse this' and 'reuse that'. I didn't, on the ground that I'd rather an old database didn't suddenly get turned into a pile of poo because I asked a new instance to do so, accidentally, without realising what I was doing.

> my paths are set up a little different c:\oracle\admin\sid\pfile\init.ora
> c:\oracle\ora92\database\initsid.ora
> c:\oracle\oradata\sid
> Your help is very much appreciated

Well, just trying to get my name right would be a good start.

Paths are irrelevant, so long as you are consistent in their use.

My point remains: just follow the instructions. You have a mammoth init.ora, some of which makes only makes marginal sense (do you think, for example, it is very sensible to multiplex your control files three ways... on the same C: drive, and in the same directory?? Or, as another example, a block size of 2K is almost certainly daft. We could, in short, be there till Christmas discussing your init.ora). You actually only need a 12-line one (and even that could be cut down. Which do you think it easier to diagnose (and help with if asked)?

What I gave you was designed to show you that creating a database requires very little by way of syntax or effort. And that rather than bamboozling the poor system with a huge wad of init.ora entries, none of which it actually needs at this stage, but some of which might be contributing to your problems, why not start as simply as possible and add in complexity when needed (ie, after the thing is actually up and running).

HJR Received on Thu May 13 2004 - 21:16:53 CDT

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