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Re: What so special about PostgreSQL and other RDBMS?

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 08:02:33 -0700
Message-ID: <1084719755.450820@yasure>

Jim Kennedy wrote:

> "Greg D. Moore (Strider)" <> wrote in message
> news:ClCpc.192539$

>>"Jim Kennedy" <> wrote in message
>>>We have a slew of SQL Servers behind a firewall (none are outside it)

> and
>>>have to apply the patches monthly.  If we do not then we have what
>>>a little over a week ago when the latest worm came out.  We had to apply
>>>emergency patch in the middle of the day on our production systems that
>>>Windows.  If we waited the machines would have kept rebooting due to the
>>>worm.  (as they already had 5 times that day).  So don't give me this
>>>that you don't have to patch the servers monthly; we are at the whims of
>>>some teenager in some foreign land. (and sometimes not so foreign)
>>I will give you that hooey.  While in most cases we are quite religious
>>about applying patches, for reasons I can't get into, we could not apply

> the
>>patches against Slammer for months.  And yet, Slammer had ZERO effect on

> us.
>>Why?  Because there are other security measures besides patches.  If

> someone
>>can't reach your SQL Server, then they can't Slammer to it.  If you're
>>getting hit, even behind the firewall, you've suffered from the jelly

> donut
>>issue and have a bigger issue than applying patches during the middle of

> the

> You are probably in a small shop then. We have tens of thousands of
> computers on our global network. Bank of America got hit, Siebel's site was
> down for days. Yet look at Sun or Oracle, nary a hiccup. Gee, might be a
> pattern here.... I guess we could do what the CIA and NSA do and make sure
> there isn't a connection to the outside world, the ultimate firewall.
> Jim

Thanks Jim because I think you are absolutely correct. Small shops don't need a lot of things required by larger shops. My customers tend to be in telecommunications, aerospace, government, and many with 7x24x365 web sites. Being off-line is something for which they have a dollar figure calculated and in some cases that dollar figure is very very large. When servers come down, and/or an SLA is not met ... people lose their jobs.

If that is not true in a smaller shop, or in another country, on that I can not comment. But those persons need to at least appreciate the nature of their environment and the fact that their decisions is a good one within their specific context only. There is no context in which having a server that doesn't need to be off-lined is a bad thing.

Daniel Morgan
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Received on Sun May 16 2004 - 10:02:33 CDT

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