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Re: What so special about PostgreSQL and other RDBMS?

From: Daniel Morgan <>
Date: Sun, 16 May 2004 19:22:34 -0700
Message-ID: <1084760556.718888@yasure>

Howard J. Rogers wrote:

> Daniel Morgan wrote:
> [snip]

>> I hardly "rubbished" an operating system. I stated that it had a
>> weakness. Would you claim otherwise? If you can find an operating system
>> that doesn't contain a weakness please inform us all.

> Quote:
> If it isn't secure who cares how fast it is?

And you would say that this statement is untrue?

> If it isn't stable who cares how many features it has?

And you would say that this statement is untrue?

> If it won't scale to the number of users who gives a rip about extras?

And you would say that this statement is untrue?

> And, to be quite blunt, if the only operating system it will run on
> is Windows that becomes a limitation affecting all of the above.

And you would say that this statement is untrue?

> In 5 lines, you've said Windows isn't secure, stable or scalable. I call
> that "rubbishing".

Then by all means establish under what conditions you think it appropriate to build line-of-business systems on a platform that is not secure, not stable, and not scalable?

Now if you wish to debate whether a particular O/S is or is not those things that is not the point. First establish that they are not important criteria. If you can I'll be surprised.

If you can't then we can get into the vaugaries of whether a particular operating system is or is not more secure, more stable, or more scalable, than any other. At which point my preference might well be OS/390.

I've known you a long time Howard and I'm not buying the amount of adrenaline you've pumped into this thread. I've seen a lot of work you've done on your website in Linux and not a lot relating to Windows. A lot relating to Oracle and not a lot relating to SQL Server. So I'm a bit intrigued ... why this sudden interest in riding like a White Knight to defend an O/S and product you seem to have little or no other interest in?

There was a time, way back in the history of this thread, it was about PostgreSQL. And that is a product I did savage with malice and aforethought.

Daniel Morgan
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Received on Sun May 16 2004 - 21:22:34 CDT

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