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Re: What so special about PostgreSQL and other RDBMS?

From: Quirk <>
Date: 25 May 2004 02:46:34 -0700
Message-ID: <> (Dusan Bolek) wrote in message news:<>...

> (Quirk) wrote in message news:<>...

> > Noons <> wrote in message news:<40af7768$0$3038$>...
> > However, there is clear zealotry in your post, for example:

> > You said: "It's with freeware that you need a STACK of wrappers to
> > protect you from sudden underlying code changes! Not with commercial
> > software!"

> > See: no other reasoning is given why underlying code may suddenly
> > change other than in one case it is _free_, in the other case it is
> > _commercial_. This is not a reasoned argument, but rather the faith of
> > a zealot.

> > Since neither freeness nor commercialness has a direct impact on code
> > stability, but rather the release management practices of the
> > development group has.

> Sorry for interrupting your flame, but I must step in. This statement
> is simply not true. In fact a problematic release management is
> probably the biggest single problem of free software projects in
> general.

Dusan, phrases like 'simply not true' and 'in fact' must be based on reasoning, your reasoning is limted to your anecdotal evidence from your personal experience, which I do not deny, my experience however, is the exact opposite.

In anycase, neither of us can state that our experience represents the only possible case. i.e. My neighbour is noisy, ben is your neighbour, therefore ben is noisy; This is a fallacaious argument.

You must explain *why* what you claim 'simply is true' or is a fact. What are the forces at work that make it so?

The only _fact_ is that projects, free or nonfree, with good release management are less likely to cause upgrade difficulties than projects, free or nonfree, with poor ones, and that this differs on a project by project basis, and also is not static, but rather also changes with the maturity and popularity of the project.

So, back to our specific case, MySQL and PostgreSQL, versus Oracle, Sybase, and MS SQL. As far as I know all of these have a good realease record, the last, of course, suffers from the bad release record of it's host OS.

Noon's claim, as I explained, is therefore a fallacy.

Dmytri. Received on Tue May 25 2004 - 04:46:34 CDT

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