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Re: logon as sysdba -- insufficient privileges ?!?!?

From: Ed Stevens <nospam_at_noway.nohow>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 15:49:17 -0500
Message-ID: <>

On Tue, 25 May 2004 22:37:19 +0200, Sybrand Bakker <> wrote:

>On Tue, 25 May 2004 14:36:43 -0500, Ed Stevens <nospam_at_noway.nohow>
>>Platform: Oracle 8.1.7 SE on Win2k Server
>>Here's a new one on me. Creating a new db on a new box. Old hat,
>>ought to be a piece of cake. Except this is our first server built to
>>use Windows Terminal Services instead of PC-Anywhere.
>>The install ran fine (after adjusting for the P-4 bug) and after
>>referencing the work-arounds listed in MetaLink Bulletin 77627.1 I
>>was able to get a listener up and running.
>>So now I've got a listener, time to create a db. ORADIM seemed to
>>work ok, gave me a db service -- OracleServiceNLCP -- and a password
>>file. Next I tried to test my connection before running a 'create
>>database' script. As almost expected with Terminal Services, it
>>failed with a ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error
>>So, again suspecting Terminal Services as a culprit, I went back to
>>the machine room and sat down at the server console to try again.
>>This time I got:
>>C:\>set oracle_sid=nlcp
>>C:\>sqlplus /nolog
>>SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue May 25 14:12:57 2004
>>(c) Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
>>SQL> connect / as sysdba
>>ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
>>Yes, the server has a local group called ORA_DBA, and my domain
>>network account is a member of that group. Here's the oradim command
>>I used to create the service and the password file:
>>d:\oracle\ora81\bin\oradim -NEW -SID NLCP -INTPWD nlcp -startmode AUTO
>>-pfile e:\oradmin\nlcp\initnlcp.ora
>Looks like the same known bug as I ran into today, running,
>like you. The problem is you are using a *domain* account (which you
>shouldn't, btw, according to documentation)
>It has been resolved in the meantime, don't recall in which release.
>Never mind, you should upgrade to minimum anyway.
>The workaround as usual, is to edit sqlnet.ora and disable
>sqlnet.authentication_services by changing nts to none.

Hmm. Ok, I patched it up to, but still no-go -- still get the ORA-01031: insufficient privileges when trying to 'connect / as sysdba'.

 Having a domain account in the local ORA_DBA group, and having sqlnet.authentication_services = (NTS) is how we have virtually every Windows (NT and 2k) server here -- over 30 of 'em. This is the only one not working. However, to leave no stone unturned, I created a local account for myself on the server, logged on with that account, and tried again, both with sqlnet.authentication_services = (NTS) and sqlnet.authentication_services = (NONE). No matter, connect / as sysdba always returns "insufficient privileges". Received on Wed May 26 2004 - 15:49:17 CDT

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