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Re: Oracle 10g Server on Windows XP Pro

From: Ian Smith <>
Date: 26 May 2004 22:55:11 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Well I shouldn't be surprised at your response - you pretty much set the tone from the "get go".

Typo's happen occasionally. That's the real world. Yes I mistyped 9 as 8 - it's hardly rocket science to work out that changing that might take you to the right place. I didn't copy the link as I was on a different machine, at work, one hour after I should have left. Unfortunately in trying to cut and paste sections of my original response into the appropriate sections of your long diatribe whilst ensuring I wasn't in the office until midnight, the ENTER button got hit and Goodle doesn't have a "remove posting" so you can finish editing. And yes, it's left me somewhat with egg on my face. The link to the original article was one of the things that got overwritten in that cut and paste - hence the new message. If I hadn't posted it you'd have had a long whinge about that too no doubt. It seems that where you're concerned it's a case of "damned if you do, damned if you don't".

On the one hand you're criticising me for having a go at the Oracle 10g uninstall info in their install guide making no sense and then lower down in your response you admit it's wrong and needs re-ordering.

I was told by our DBA that ASM was installed by default. I thought it odd but took him at his word and tried to follow the uninstall instructions.

The information that you had installed Oracle on XP Pro many times was useful - a shame you didn't say this upfront in response to my first email.

By the way, are you as rude to your paying customers as you have been here? Do you get much business? Received on Thu May 27 2004 - 00:55:11 CDT

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