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Re: The Pumpkinification of Volker

From: Joel Garry <>
Date: 28 May 2004 16:20:19 -0700
Message-ID: <> (Quirk) wrote in message news:<>...
> (Joel Garry) wrote in message news:<>...
> > So why not newgroup in the alt hierarchy? Hardly good enough for
> > alt.flame.
> I'll be the judge of that, thanks.
> What's with these pleated pant wearing chimps? Do you want to play
> too?

LOL Bedtime for Quirko!

> You'll have to forgive Joel, usenet is all he has after he lost his
> tongue in a tragic mishap, He's so UGLY, his proctologist stuck his
> finger in his mouth instead of his ass and mistook his tongue for a
> hemorrhoid.

She's so ugly, she even has to get her vibrator drunk.

She's so ugly, they push her face into dough to make gorilla cookies.

She's so ugly, she has to trick-or-treat over the phone.

She's so ugly, two guys broke into her apartment, she yelled "RAPE!", and they yelled "NO!"

She's so ugly, when she was lying on the beach, the cat tried to bury her.

She's so ugly, the cockroaches say "HI, MOM!"

She's so ugly, she frightened away both the beauty and the beast.

She's so ugly, she strips wall paper from walls for a living.

She's so ugly, she dated Jabba the Hut and HE was the looker.

She's so ugly, when she was a baby, her parents had a little yellow sign in their car window that read, "THING ON BOARD!"

She's so ugly, she's like Taco Bell - when people see her, they run for the border.

She's so ugly, she scares people even with the lights out.

She's so ugly, her face looks like a lizard with toothache.

She's so ugly, her face is registered as a biological weapon.

She's so ugly, the NHL banned her for life.

She's so ugly, her boyfriends breath smells like shit because he would rather kiss her ass.

She's so ugly, she'd make a freight train take a dirt road.

She's so ugly, it looks like her face caught fire and they put it out with an ice pick.

She's so ugly, her mother used to put rubber bands on her ears so people would think the girl was wearing a mask.

She's so ugly, she wasn't just beaten with The Ugly Stick...the whole forest whip-lashed her.

She's so ugly, she's the cover girl for iodine.

She's so ugly, her picture is on the inside of a Roach Motel.

She's so ugly, she can look up a camel's butt and scare its hump off.

She's so ugly, the last time she heard a whistle was when she got hit by a train.

She's so ugly, when she passes by a bathroom, the toilet flushes.

She's so ugly, she's a three-bagger: One bag for her head; one for yours in case hers fell off, and one by the door in case anyone walks in.

She's so ugly, they threw her away and kept the afterbirth.

She's so ugly, when she was born, the doctor took her and told her mother, "If this doesn't start to cry in ten seconds, it was a tumor!"

She's so ugly, when she was born the Doctor looked at her ass and her face and said: "My God, Siamese twins!"

She's so ugly, just after her birth, her mother saw the afterbirth and said, "Twins!"

She's so ugly, just after she was born, her mother said, "What a treasure," and her father said, "Yeah, let's go bury it!"

She's so ugly, when she was born, GOD admitted that even HE could make a mistake!

She's so ugly, her mom had to be drunk to breast feed her.

She's so ugly, it makes me wish birth control is retroactive.

She's so ugly, when she joined an ugly contest, they said "Sorry, no professionals!"

She's so ugly, they filmed "Gorillas in the Mist" in her shower.

She's so ugly, instead of putting the bungee cord around her ankle, they put it around her neck.

She's so ugly, when she walks into a bank, they turn off the surveillance cameras.

She's so ugly, she turned Medusa to stone.

She's so ugly, she scares the roaches away.

She's so ugly, her face looks like a blind cobbler's thumb.

She's so ugly, her face is like the south end of a north-bound camel.

She's so ugly, Dairy Queen won't even treat her right.

She's so ugly, she's like 7-UP...never had it, never will.

She's so ugly, she could scare a hungry wolf off a meat truck.

She's so ugly, she had to wear two bags over her head in case one breaks.

She's so ugly, she's only had one successful job - being a scarecrow.

She's so ugly, she just got a job at the airport - sniffing for drugs.

She's so ugly, she makes you look good!

She's so ugly, her psychiatrist makes her lie face down.

She's so ugly, the tide won't even take her out.

She's so ugly, when she went to jump in a lake, the lake jumped back!

She's so ugly, her momma had to feed her with a sling shot.

She's so ugly, she practices birth control by leaving the lights on.

She's so ugly, peeping toms break into her house and CLOSE the blinds.

She's so ugly, she has little round marks all over her body from people touching her with 10-foot poles.

She's so ugly, her face could stop a sun dial.

She's so ugly, when she went to a beautician it took 12 hours just for a quote.

She's so ugly, she uses the emergency entrance at the beauticians.

She's so ugly, every time she tries to take a bath the water jumps out.

She's so ugly, even her shadow ran away from her.

She's so ugly, she called a male hooker and he dialed 911.

She's so ugly, her mother tried to strangle her with the umbilical cord.

She's so ugly, when she played in the sandbox, the cat kept covering her up.

She's so ugly, she makes onions cry.

She's so ugly, even Rice Krispies won't talk to her.

She's so ugly, even the Elephant Man paid to see her.

She's so ugly, people at the Ugly Palace pay money NOT to see her.

She's so ugly, she looks like you.

She's so ugly, when she looks in the mirror, the reflection ducks.

She's so ugly, the last time I saw something that looked like her, I pinned a tail on it.

She's so ugly, we put her in the kennel when we go on vacation.

She's so ugly, people at the circus pay money NOT to see her.

She's so ugly, when she gets up, the sun goes down.

She's so ugly, she'd scare the monster out of Loch Ness.

She's so ugly, I throw the ugly stick, and she fetches it every time.

She's so ugly, they rub tree branches on her face to make ugly sticks.

She's so ugly, the kids call her Lassie and feed the bitch biscuits.

She's so ugly, I took her to the zoo and the monkeys said, "Damn, how'd you get out so fast!"

She's so ugly, when she went to Taco Bell, everyone ran for the border.

She's so ugly, I first met her at the pound.

She's so ugly, I can have sex with her in any position and it's still doggy style.

She's so ugly, she entered a dog show and won.

She's so ugly, her doctor is a vet.

She's so ugly, if ugly were bricks, she'd be a high rise.

She's so ugly, if ugly were an Olympic event, she would be the dream team.

She's so ugly, even a blind man wouldn't have sex with her.

She's so ugly, when she was born, the doctor didn't know which end to slap.

She's so ugly, the doctor is still smacking her ass.

She's so ugly, when she was born, the doctor slapped her mother.

She's so ugly, when she was born, the doctor smacked everyone.

> > You seem to be missing that Oracle Application Server comes with the
> > built-in ability to use small format browser clients (the "wireless"
> > option).
> In your desperation to find a comment to make, you didn't notice he
> was talking about COMPILING the server on his cellphone.

In your desperation to flame him, you didn't notice that wasn't exactly what he said.

> Go home dumbass.

Is this yours? Received on Fri May 28 2004 - 18:20:19 CDT

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