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Re: What so special about PostgreSQL and other RDBMS?

From: Noons <>
Date: Sat, 29 May 2004 20:57:18 +1000
Message-ID: <40b86c85$0$31678$>

Howard J. Rogers allegedly said,on 29/05/2004 7:42 PM:

> Software is indeed a good. And a good is something. Ergo, software is
> something.

So is fishing... :)

> Yes, so definition 1 states. But definitions 2 and onwards don't.

The reason they don't, (2 onwards, I mean) is that they cater for the less common meanings of the word. I take the first one that matches what I'm talking about. That was "goods for sale". Good enough a match for me to even bother looking at the rest. It's not a question of a vote on a number of equal propositions, it's a question of selecting the significant explanation. Which in this case is goods for sale: the first one. Hence my use of it.

> But at least you have taken refuge in insisting on a *particular* definition
> of the word, instead of arguing that the other definitions aren't there at
> all.

Yup. The one that matches more closely the problem at hand, in the event of multiple choices.

> No, you've made your point (and I've made mine). A word can have many
> meanings, and one may rely on the less common or less well-known or the more
> obscure of them. Not just on the first defintion.

Actually, the pages I mentioned note "imbecilic" as the secondary definition... :)

> So only number 1 definitions are "perfect", and all others are imperfect? In

Not really. The ones that completely match the problem at hand. Which "sale of goods" matches to a "t".

> I find it hard to find the buttons some times.

Hey, it's Saturday night! I can't even remember what I had for breakfast today. After taking the kids to confirmation, getting things ready for their "whale song" tomorrow and finding the time in between to take the boy to the barber, the girl to a girlfriend's party, fitting in 70 balls at the golf range and fixing the car in the in-between holes, I'm not sure which way is up, which is down. Bring on the weekdays, they are MUCH MORE relaxing!

And now it's time to watch The Return of the King with the little boy: we're both fans of the books and movies...

Nuno Souto
Received on Sat May 29 2004 - 05:57:18 CDT

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