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Re: Transportable Tablespace Backup Process.

From: Louis Frolio <>
Date: 10 May 2004 12:42:58 -0700
Message-ID: <>

Daniel Morgan <> wrote in message news:<1084168280.801786_at_yasure>...
> Louis Frolio wrote:
> >>Have you gone to and read the documentation?
> >>Have you tried it on a test box?
> >>
> >>Why are you asking us?
> >
> > Let me ask you why you have to come back with a sny useless remark?
> > There could be a multitude of reasons why I cannot test it? Please,
> > do me and everyone in this forum a favor and refrain from your
> > ignorant response "Why are you asking us?" (you don't speak for all
> > here)
> No I don't. Everyone else just ignored you and I did you the courtesy
> of telling you why.
> If you have no test box you have no business doing anything related to
> testing a new backup process. And you definitely have access to the
> internet so no excuse for not looking it up yourself.
> The point of my post is that we are all volunteers here and you
> somehow seem to expect we are just doing this to help people too
> lazy to help themselves: In that you are most incorrect.
> After you've read the documentation ... ask specific questions. Then
> you will find that I, and others, will gladly help you.

If you think that my question was not "specific" then you clearly do not understand what it is I was asking and in my opinion you have no business replying to it in the first place. It is my understanding that this forum is for purpose of sharing information, experience, and specific knowledge. Further, my question is not mainstream and does not warrant the ever tired "RTFM" which is so prevalent in these groups. The question I asked is purely a "one-off" question that one cannot glean directly from the documentation, I challenge you to prove me wrong otherwise please only respond to questions to which you know the answer.

L Received on Mon May 10 2004 - 14:42:58 CDT

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