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Re: Insert date into Oracle

From: Howard J. Rogers <>
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 16:09:12 +1000
Message-ID: <40b191e2$0$1582$>

"Allan" <> wrote in message
> Thanks for your reply.
> I think I didn't make myself clear. We have a application which has
> been used for 30 years and now we want to move from Unify database
> into Oracle and also we don't want to change the application code.

Uh oh. I'll willingly stick my neck out here (and pray Don Burleson won't chop it): How you expect to take 30 year-old code and expect it to run smoothly and without alteration against a new, throbbing, vibrant RDBMS such as Oracle 9i or 10g, I have no idea.

The last throbbing, vibrant thing I saw of that vintage was my motorbike, and it leaked everywhere and finally gave up the ghost. Whilst I was on it. As I was hurtling towards a rather prickly hedge. And a fence. Built of bricks.

I know you don't *want* to change the application code, but I don't want to be an ugly little goblin with a hunchback and a hair-lip either (I exaggerate mildly). What you want, and what makes sense, might be two things as completely different as two small, rotundly green things in a pod. With mint.

> Problem is that the application is wrriten by c++ and get the date
> from OS. But now in order to insert the date into Oracle, we have to
> use to_date function to convert the date.
> I am just wondering if there is another way around to insert date into
> Oracle without using to_date function and sysdate function. that way
> we don't need modify our c++ code for application.

Oh dear. It sounds rather written in stone, doesn't it?

Just remember, so were the Ten Commandments, though they didn't last a trip down the mountain-side.

Please re-write your code to take account of the fact that Britain doesn't have an Empire any longer; it costs a damn site more than $10 to get to Australia and the government won't subsidise you to fill up the Outback; Nixon resigned; the Vietnam War was lost; Jimmy Carter stopped growing peanuts (more's the pity); Pretzels became Public Enemy No. 1, at least for a week; and We ain't in Kansas any more. Oh, and they invented CDs and DVDs in the meantime.

Gosh, I feel old all of a sudden!

HJR Received on Mon May 24 2004 - 01:09:12 CDT

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